Karolina Szostak

  • Occupation: dziennikarka sportowa, autorka książek, prezenterka telewizyjna
  • Sign of the Zodiac: Leo
  • Parents: Maryla Szostak
  • Date of birth: 15 sierpnia 1975
  • Age: 49

    Karolina Szostak is a journalist and TV presenter who has been cooperating with Polsat Sport and Polsat Sport News for over 20 years. For her professional achievements, she received, among others: nomination for Telekamery "Tele Tygodnia" in the Sports Journalist category. She became famous in the media due to her spectacular metamorphosis, during which she lost almost 30 kg. She described her path to the perfect figure in the book entitled "My spectacular metamorphosis." She also took part in the entertainment program "Dancing with the Stars". Check who her partner was and which place she took.

    Nazwisko panieńskie: Szostak

    Pseudonim: none

    Height: 168 cm

    Osoby - związk: Karolina Szostak broke up with her partner in 2021, whose identity remained a secret to the media. The journalist is single and openly admits that she is still waiting for great love.

    Rodzina: Maryla Szostak is the owner of the Alex bar in Warsaw, no information about her father.

    Dzieci: none

    Rodzeństwo: none

    BIO: Karolina Szostak is a sports journalist, author of books and TV presenter. She grew up in Warsaw, where she attended a private high school and then studied law at the University of Warsaw. As a teenager, she experienced moments of horror when, as a result of a road accident, she suffered extensive damage to her skull bones and a cerebral hematoma. She spent many years recovering, undergoing rehabilitation treatments and treating strabismus. The accident left a lasting mark because the presenter is unable to hear in one ear. Health problems did not stop Karolina Szostak from pursuing her dreams of a journalistic career. Already as a teenage girl, she hosted the "Szortpress" series in the youth program "5-10-15", and the next stop in her television career was an internship at "Teleexpress". At the very beginning of her professional career, she focused on sports journalism. In 2000, she joined Polsat television, where she initially ran sports news after "Events", and then joined the editorial staff of Polsat Sport and Polsat Sport News. For her achievements, she was nominated for the Telekamera "Tele Tygodnia" award. She not only informs about sports, but is also very active in this field. In 2013, she took part in the Polish Women's Rally. She became famous in the media due to the spectacular metamorphosis she underwent in 2016-2017. During this time, she lost approximately 30 kg. She described her struggles in the book "My spectacular metamorphosis".

    Known for: sports websites that she runs, but not only. In 2014, she took part in the entertainment program "Dancing with the Stars. Taniec z Gwiazdami", in which she trained under the supervision of Andrej Mosejcuk and, with him, finally took 9th place. Thanks to her famous metamorphosis, she was constantly on the covers of magazines such as "Gala", "Wprost", "Fakt" and "Viva!". The journalist willingly takes part in advertising campaigns and is also involved in social campaigns. Suffice it to mention that in 2015 she took part in a photo session for a calendar published by the Oncology Center in Białystok together with the Bajkowa Fabryka Nadziei foundation. The proceeds from the sale were intended for children's research. In addition, Szostak became one of the faces of the campaign that was intended to encourage women to prevent breast cancer. The journalist is very active on social media, where she regularly publishes posts about her private and professional life. She has almost 200,000 followers on Instagram. Internet users.

    Feature in the video: none

    Disc: none

    Books: - "My spectacular metamorphosis" (2017); - "My spectacular detox" (2017); - "My spectacular juices and cocktails" (2018).

    Rewards: none

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